Remove Gaps in Teeth

Gaps in teeth is caused if there is too much space in the jaw for the teeth. If the space in the jaw is more than the total space required by the teeth, then there will be gaps between the teeth.

On the other side, if there is less space in the jaw for the teeth, then it results in crooked teeth. So, the size of the jaw should be just enough for the teeth to be in a straight position. It should not be too much to cause gaps in teeth, and not too little to cause crooked teeth.

Teeth Gap

Reasons for Gaps in Teeth

The gaps in teeth can happen if:

  • The teeth are thinner than normal size
  • A tooth is extracted or missing
  • Jaw is larger than normal size

All the above conditions can cause gaps in teeth.

Treatments to Remove Gaps in Teeth

Gaps in teeth can be fixed using:

Dental veneers can correct all type of teeth gaps. Dental braces can not correct all cases of gaps in teeth.

Dental Veneers (Lumineers)

Dental Veneers

Lumineers is a type of dental veneers. It is a thin cover of teeth. Lumineers has a thickness of 0.2-0.3 mm. It is made from a tooth-colored material that covers the front side of the teeth.

Lumineers is permanently placed (glued) on the front surface of the teeth to fill the space in the teeth. It also gives strength to the teeth. Lumineers last for over 10 years.

Read more about dental veneers here.

Dental Veneers

Dental Braces

Dental Braces

Dental braces is used to remove gaps in teeth and straighten crooked teeth. Dental braces removes the gaps in teeth by aligning the teeth in the right position. It is also called orthodontic treatment.

Read more about dental braces here.

Dental Braces

It takes 12-24 months to slowly remove the gaps in teeth using braces. The time required to keep the braces on the teeth depends on how much alignment of the teeth is required.

Benefits of Dental Veneers

Dental Veneers

Dental veneers are a permanent solution for teeth whitening, remove stains on teeth, remove teeth gaps, and fix broken teeth.

  • Dental veneers last very long, over 20 years
  • It is a completely painless procedure
  • It is permanent and non-removable
  • It can be done in 3-4 days
Dental Veneers

Types of Dental Veneers

Dental veneers are of three types:

These are strong and require no trimming of teeth.

These are the strongest, but require a little trimming of teeth.

These are very weak and break very easily. These are not recommended.

Procedure for Placing Dental Veneers

Dental veneers and Lumineers are placed in 3-4 days in two parts.

First Visit: In the first visit, the dentist does a complete check-up and takes an impression of the mouth. In the case of dental veneers, the impression is taken after reducing the teeth, whereas for Lumineers, an impression is taken without tooth reduction. The first visit takes 30-60 minutes. Dental veneers are made in 2-3 days.

Second Visit: After a gap of 2-3 days, in the second visit, the dental veneers are permanently glued to the surface of the teeth using a very strong chemical.

The second visit takes a longer time because each dental veneer or Lumineer takes 20-30 minutes to apply on one tooth. So, if you need multiple dental veneers then it can take up to 7-8 hours to apply on all teeth.

Precautions after Treatment

  • Eat soft food for 24 hours after the surgery
  • Avoid hot food and drinks for 24 hours after surgery
  • Do not drink from a straw for 24 hours
  • Do not spit or gargle or rinse harshly for 24 hours
  • Take prescribed medicine on time
  • Keep your teeth clean and maintain good oral hygiene.

Cost of Dental Veneers is - $ 80 per tooth

Dental Veneers

Multiple dental veneers are used in the dental treatment. Each tooth requires one dental veneer. Therefore, the total cost of dental veneers is calculated by multiplying the cost of one dental veneer with the total number of dental veneers.

Dental Veneers

Cost Calculation

The average cost of dental veneers is $ 1260 per tooth in USA and $ 80 per tooth outside of USA at our clinic.

Total cost of dental veneers in USA = $ 1260 X total number of dental veneers

Total cost of dental veneers outside of USA = $ 80 X total number of dental veneers

Example, for 10 dental veneers, the cost will be:





Cost in USA

$ 1260 X 10

$ 12600

Cost outside of USA

$ 80 X 10

$ 800

  • Cost in dental_location_name:

$ 1260 X 10

: $ 12600

  • Cost outside of dental_location_country:

$ 80 X 10

: $ 800

Low Cost and Affordable Dental Veneers

Medical Tourism

Dental veneers are very expensive in USA, but you can save a lot of money by traveling to an affordable location outside of USA for 3-4 days for the dental treatment.

For example, at our clinic, the cost of dental veneers is $ 80 per tooth which is 16 times lower

Medical Tourism

than the average cost of $ 1260 per tooth in USA. So, you can save a lot of money, and at the same time enjoy a free holiday trip.

Read more about dental tourism here.

Read more about affordable dental veneers here.

Frequently Asked Questions​


Question: Is it painful to place dental veneers on teeth?

Answer: No, it is a completely painless procedure.

Question: Do you use anesthesia to reduce pain?
Answer: Yes, anesthesia is used to numb the mouth. You will be fully awake during the treatment and you will not feel any pain in the mouth.


Question: How many days are required for the complete procedure of dental veneers?
Answer: The complete procedure of dental veneers takes 3-4 days at our clinic.

Question: How long do the dental veneers last?
Answer: Dental veneers last for more than 20 years.


Question: Do I need to visit the dentist more often after the treatment?
Answer: No, you do not need to visit the dentist more often, after the treatment is over.

Question: Do dental veneers look like natural teeth?
Answer: Yes, dental veneers look like natural teeth.

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